I eat something fermented/pickled at every meal typically. By far the most popular one that I make is spicy pickles.
As you start fermenting foods at home, they are a wonderful entry-level project. They are easy and don’t take much time or special equipment. It is also a very fun ferment that you can experiment with and try new flavor combinations easily.
Tag: Pickling
Fermented Spicy Brussels Sprouts
I have been a fan of fermented foods for my entire life and in the last few years I have been reading some very promising research into their health benefits. An average healthy human gut contains upwards of 100 trillion microorganisms that play a huge role in health that we are only now beginning to understand. By eating fermented foods, you can dramatically increase the beneficial microbiota in your body. I eat fermented foods with every meal and I wholeheartedly believe that they really do provide a huge benefit to my health. (This is fairly easy to do since I eat OMAD or One Meal A Day. There is a catch though…
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