Chicken Tikka Masala

A blog about cast iron, food, and food prepared with cast iron.
I will be sharing loads of food pictures, plenty of recipes, cast iron tips and much, much more…
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Amazon has a great deal right now on a pan that I use every day. I cook breakfast in it every morning and I use it very frequently for meats and vegetables for supper as well.
It is a Lodge Square Grill Pan that looks like this…
These pans are absolute bacon cooking machines… The excess grease drains away from the bacon and you get nice, crispy bacon. I really can’t imagine cooking bacon any other way any longer. You can cook the bacon on the stovetop or bake it in the oven in the same pan, whichever way you like. (Not microwave safe though)
Many people claim that grill pans are difficult to clean. For me, this has not been the case at all. While the grill pan is still warm I use a Dish Brush to scrub it while running it under hot water. It comes clean perfectly. I wipe it off with a paper towel and then, I put it back on the burner and heat it up, making sure that it dries all the way.
If you do this every time, you won’t ever have a problem with cleaning it or seasoning it either.
Disclaimer: The product links on this page are Amazon affiliate links.
If, by some amazing happenstance you find yourself motivated to buy the item, I will receive a few cents from Amazon.
The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is yours to draw…
If you are interested in more food posts you can visit my Facebook page Jason J Morgan – The Cast Iron Ronin
How to Strip Cast Iron with Lye (Sodium Hydroxide)
This can also be done with Easy-Off Max Strength Oven Cleaner (The one with the yellow lid) and trash bags but it is much more expensive, especially long term.
Disclaimer: The product links on this page are Amazon affiliate links.
If, by some amazing happenstance you find yourself motivated to buy the item, I will receive a few cents from Amazon.
The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is yours to draw…
If you are interested in more food posts you can visit my Facebook page Jason J Morgan – The Cast Iron Ronin