I am a huge fan of ghee. It is a wonderful cooking oil that can be used for so many things. It can be purchased from stores but it is super easy and much more affordable to make at home!
All it takes to make ghee at home is some butter, a few items, and a bit of patience. Ghee has a much higher smoke point than butter so it can be used in many ways without burning that regular butter can’t. As a matter of fact, ghee has a smoke point of 450-480 degrees while butter burns at 350-375!
Another benefit to ghee is that you are removing the milk solids when you clarify it. This means that most people with dairy sensitivities can actually enjoy it without any adverse effects.
- 2 lbs unsalted butter
- Heavy bottom pan or Dutch Oven
- Silicone or wooden spoon
- Funnel
- Jars or sealable containers
- Cheesecloth, Fine Sieve, strainer or chinois
- Cube butter and let soften to room temperature naturally (This isn’t 100% necessary but it can really help you not burn the butter solids)
- Put cubes butter in the pan and GENTLY heat it until it is completely melted

- Once it has completely melted, you can stir it occasionally making sure to clean the bottom of the pan

- Gradually increase the heat until it comes to a simmer
- You can skim some of the solids as they float if you want
- You will continue to simmer until the water has evaporated

- The solids will sink and start to brown
- This is when you decide how brown you would like them, the darker they are, the “nuttier” the flavor
- I find that a 2 lb batch of ghee takes a bit over an hour on the stovetop for me

Now it is time to put the ghee into a container. I find that canning jars work great for me but almost any container should work.

I use a funnel and cheesecloth to pour the liquid into jars, some people use a ladle for this step and a coffee filter. Either way, you will want to go slowly and try to minimize the amount of solids you add or you can clog your filter.

You will have a very clear liquid that will solidify and be shelf stable for months.

I leave mine on my counter next to my stove and use it every day.

If you decide that you would rather buy ghee than make it, this is a really good brand. (Shown after the disclaimer)
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