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Fried Cabbage and Sausages

This is one of my wife’s and my daughter’s favorites. They would have it 2-3 times per week if I would cook it that often.

Fried Cabbage

  • 1 head Cabbage washed and cut up
  • 2-3 medium onions
  • 3 stalks of celery cut on a bias
  • 2 Bell Peppers cut up
  • 8-10 Sweet Peppers julienned
  • 5-6 Strips of Bacon
  • 1 14 oz. Package of Kielbasa
  • 1 package Italian Sausage (5 Links)
  • Black Pepper
  • Chicken bouillon powder (I prefer Knorr brand from the Hispanic section of the supermarket)
  • Ham Flavored Concentrated Seasoning | Sabor a Jamon
  • Red Pepper Flakes
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Mise en place for the fried cabbage


  • Cut the onions, celery, bell peppers and sweet peppers and put to the side
  • Quarter then cut cabbage
  • Simmer the Italian Sausage in chicken bouillon, Italian seasoning and red pepper flakes until done through. Don’t try a full boil because they will usually split open if you do
  • Cut kielbasa and cook in a grill pan if you have one for nice grill marks. If you don’t have a grill pan, a nice heavy skillet will work to brown them (they are already cooked but the Maillard Reaction is what we are after for flavor)
  • Cut cooked Italian Sausage and grill or brown, the same as the kielbasa
  • Cook the bacon until it is crispy, remove and chop into pieces 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Reserve the drippings for the cabbage
  • Add the cabbage, celery, onions and bell peppers to a large skillet with a little water, olive oil, a little chicken bouillon granules (a Tbsp or so,) and a packet of ham bouillon if you want
  • Cook until it starts to will or soften
  • Add bacon, kielbasa and Italian Sausage and pan drippings (nice old-fashioned way to say fat or grease. LOL!) to the cabbage and cook together until almost as well done as you like
  • Add red pepper flakes, black pepper and sweet peppers and toss it all together. The reason for adding in the sweet peppers this late is that the cook very quickly
  • Put everything into a 375 or 400-degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes if you like. 400-degrees will give you yummy, crispy bits
  • Plate and serve
Sausages simmering and bacon frying
Kielbasa grilling


Ham Flavored Concentrate | Sabor a Jamon


Putting it together


Ready to serve!


Yummy cornbread


Cornbread Sticks

Ingredients: (Per Pan so I doubled it)

1 package Shawnee Mills Yellow Buttermilk Cornbread mix

1 large egg

2/3 Cup Whole Milk

Ghee or Clarified Butter (Optional)

Lard, shortening or oil


  • Put a little lard, shortening or oil into each ear of the cornstick pan
  • Add a little ghee or clarified butter to each ear as well if you want. It won’t burn like regular butter
  • Place the pans into the oven and set to 400 degrees
  • Mix up the cornbread batter and put into a Ziploc bag
  • Let the pans heat up with the oven and they will be ready when the oven comes to temperature
  • Remove the pans carefully
  • I use a silicone baster brush to make sure that all the kernels are oiled well at this point
  • Cut a corner off the baggie and pipe the batter into the ears. It should sizzle, this means it won’t stick and you will have a wonderful, crispy crust (Don’t overfill the ears, they will expand or rise while you are finishing filling the pans and you will have a huge mess!) The reason I pipe it in is so that the batter goes exactly where I want it to, with absolutely no mess
  • Put the pans back into the 400-degree oven for 8 minutes or until browned to your liking (If you are using a mix like I did here, ignore the temperature and time suggestions. They are for cold pan cornbread, 20 minutes like suggested would be incinerated!)
Batter ready for piping
In the oven


Ready to turn out


Turned out clean

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If, by some amazing happenstance you find yourself motivated to buy the item, I will receive a few cents from Amazon but I only allow ads for products that I actually, personally use.
The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is yours to draw…

Knorr Chicken bouillon powder


Ready to eat!

2 thoughts on “Fried Cabbage and Sausages

  1. Incredible!! Beautiful presentation.

    1. Thanks!
      I definitely try…

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