I am now offering Carnivore and Fasting Coaching through Zoom. The current price is $20 for a 30 minute session. After the initial session, there are several tiers that I can show you.
A blog about cast iron, food, and food prepared with cast iron.
I am now offering Carnivore and Fasting Coaching through Zoom. The current price is $20 for a 30 minute session. After the initial session, there are several tiers that I can show you.
-These directions are available as a PDF to download at the end of the post-
Disclaimer: The product links on this page are Amazon affiliate links.
If, by some amazing happenstance you find yourself motivated to buy the item, I will receive a few cents from Amazon.
The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is yours to draw…
I am a huge fan of ghee. It is a wonderful cooking oil that can be used for so many things. It can be purchased from stores but it is super easy and much more affordable to make at home!
Continue reading Homemade GheeI eat something fermented/pickled at every meal typically. By far the most popular one that I make is spicy pickles.
As you start fermenting foods at home, they are a wonderful entry-level project. They are easy and don’t take much time or special equipment. It is also a very fun ferment that you can experiment with and try new flavor combinations easily.
If you are curious about fermenting or want to start fermenting foods at home, sauerkraut is a great entry-level project. It is very easy and doesn’t take much time or special equipment. It is also a very fun ferment that you can experiment with and try new flavor combinations easily.
Continue reading Home Fermented SauerkrautI have been a fan of fermented foods for my entire life and in the last few years I have been reading some very promising research into their health benefits. An average healthy human gut contains upwards of 100 trillion microorganisms that play a huge role in health that we are only now beginning to understand. By eating fermented foods, you can dramatically increase the beneficial microbiota in your body. I eat fermented foods with every meal and I wholeheartedly believe that they really do provide a huge benefit to my health. (This is fairly easy to do since I eat OMAD or One Meal A Day. There is a catch though…
Continue reading Fermented Spicy Brussels SproutsMeunière refers to both a sauce and a method of preparation, primarily for fish. The word itself means “miller’s wife”. Thus to cook something à la meunière was to cook it by first dredging it in flour. A meunière sauce is a simple preparation—brown butter, chopped parsley, and lemon—and the name refers to its rustic nature.
Continue reading Creole Meunière SauceRight now Lodge and Amazon have some really great deals on Dutch Ovens. These are ones that I really like in different sizes. Some of them are Enamel Coated Cast Iron and others are Seasoned Black Iron
You can check both places to see where the price is best. Amazon does free Prime shipping but Lodge does free shipping on orders over $99.
Be sure to use the Promo code BREAD on the Lodge site for 20% off, not through January 3rd.
Continue reading Current Dutch Oven DealsI was asked to do an interview with Backyard Steakout Presents on Reverse Searing Steaks. It was great fun. It actually became two interviews on the same topic because we ran over on time.
The podcast is currently inactive so I have the media files to share with you here.
Continue reading My Backyard Steakout Presents Interview on Reverse Searing a Steak (Updated)